Migrant teen who has tried '100 times' to get into Britain on a small boat from France says 'I'll keep trying again and again - I'll never give up'

Abdul Usman, who claims to be a 17-year-old from Sudan, has been living in a tent 'jungle' for seven months at Loon-Plage, near Dunkirk. He insisted that nothing would deter him from reaching Britain.

UN Security Council concerned over ethnically-based killings in Sudan's North Darfur

The U.N. Security Council on Saturday expressed its “deep concern” over an imminent attack on al-Fashir in Sudan’s North Darfur region by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

YASİN AKTAY : Sudan’da olanlar da Sudan’la sınırlı değil

" style="color: rgb(128, 128, 128); background-color: black;">https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/trac7. ayında bütün vahşet ve küstahlığıyla devam etmekte olan İsrail soykırımı dünyanın farklı bölgelerinde, aslında...

Iranian asylum seeker in UK warns others not to come as he receives email telling him he could be deported to Rwanda - as migrants in Calais camp vow to continue Channel crossings saying 'we don't care about any new law'

Masoud (pictured left) was seen on screen receiving a Home Office alert on his mobile phone - but Yamal and Sweb (top right) and Alam (bottom right) insist they still intend to try crossing from Calais.

İstanbul’da Gazze Diplomasisi! Başkan Erdoğan Ve Bakan Fidan’dan Önemli Görüşmeler! | A Haber

İstanbul’da Gazze Diplomasisi! Başkan Erdoğan Ve Bakan Fidan’dan Önemli Görüşmeler! | A Haberİşgalci İsrail’in Gazze’deki soykırımına “dur” demek İran ile çı...

Sudan kaderine terk edildi

Sudan Ordusu ile orduya bağlı paramiliter yapı Hızlı Destek Kuvvetleri (HDK) arasında 15 Nisan 2023’te başlayan çatışma...

‘Humanitarian aid in Sudan is constantly being blocked by all the belligerents’

With the international community having pledged more than €2 billion in funding for Sudan at a humanitarian conference in Paris on Monday, Norwegian Refugee Council Sudan Advocacy Manager Mathilde Vu breaks down the worsening humanitarian crisis...

action medeor: Hilfslieferung für Sudan steht in den Startlöchern

action medeor e.V.: Tönisvorst (ots) - Angesichts der dramatischen humanitären Lage im Sudan bereitet das Gesundheitshilfswerk action medeor aktuell eine größere Hilfslieferung in das krisengeschüttelte afrikanische Land vor. Zusammen mit der...

France hosts aid conference for Sudan a year into 'forgotten' war

France is hosting an international conference on Sudan on Monday, exactly a year after war broke out in the northeast African country, leading to a humanitarian and political crisis.

Ein Jahr Konflikt im Sudan: Gewalt verschärft den Hunger und führt zur weltweit größten Flüchtlingskrise

Aktion gegen den Hunger gGmbH: Berlin (ots) - Seit Ausbruch des Konflikts zwischen den sudanesischen Streitkräften und den paramilitärischen Rapid Support Forces vor einem Jahr hat sich die Situation für die Menschen aus dem Sudan dramatisch...

Ein Jahr Gewalt im Sudan / Über 8,5 Millionen Menschen zur Flucht gezwungen

UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe e.V.: Bonn (ots) - Am 15. April 2023 brach ein bewaffneter Konflikt zwischen Regierungstruppen und paramilitärischen Kämpfern im Sudan aus, bis heute hält die Gewalt unvermindert an. Über 8,5 Million Menschen sind auf der...

Kinder auf der Flucht: Der vergessene Krieg im Sudan

SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit Hermann-Gmeiner-Fonds Deutschland e.V.: Khartum (ots) - Hunger, Elend und eine weltweit beispiellose Massenflucht: Am 15. April jährt sich der Konflikt im Sudan, doch schon lange ist er aus der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung...

YASİN AKTAY : Bayram, Gazze, Doğu Türkistan, Sudan ve Gannuşi

Bir Ramazan ayını daha geride bıraktık. Geçtiğimiz yıl gibi, ondan önceki ve ondan da önceki yıl gibi geldi ve gitti. Geçtiğimiz yıl ve ondan önceki yıllara nazaran Ramazan bayramını idrak ettiğimizde gündemde yine İsrail saldırganlığı vardı ve bu...

Eskalation von Gewalt im Sudan: Jedes zweite Kind ist in der Schusslinie

Save the Children Deutschland e.V.: Khartum/Berlin (ots) - Über zehn Millionen Kinder im Sudan leben in einem aktiven Kriegsgebiet. Dies ergibt eine neue Analyse, die anlässlich des Jahrestages des Sudan-Kriegs (15. April) von Save the Children...

YÖK'ten Sudanlı ve Filistinli öğrencilerle ilgili iddialara yalanlama

YÖK, Sudanlı ve Filistinli yükseköğretim öğrencilerinin koşulsuz yatay geçiş hakkı verildiği iddialarının asılsız olduğunu açıkladı.

YÖK'ten Sudanlı ve Filistinli öğrencilerle ilgili iddiara yalanlama

YÖK, Sudanlı ve Filistinli yükseköğretim öğrencilerinin koşulsuz yatay geçiş hakkı verildiği iddialarının asılsız olduğunu açıkladı.

First UN food supplies arrive in Sudan's Darfur after months, millions still face acute hunger

The United Nations said Friday it has begun distributing food in Sudan’s restive western Darfur region for the first time in months, following two successful cross-border deliveries in March, but the population still faces widespread hunger unless...

Archbishop of Canterbury wishes King Charles and Kate well during his Easter sermon - as he encourages congregation to 'pray' for the royals amid their cancer treatment

Justin Welby commended Charles and Kate's 'dignity' and 'lack of selfishness' as they courageously told the nation about their diagnoses.

Archbishop of Canterbury will use his Easter sermon to urge us to 'confront evil and pain' - from people-smugglers and county lines gangs to Hamas and Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Justin Welby will tell Canterbury Cathedral today that issues from people-smugglers and county lines gangs to Hamas and Russia's invasion of Ukraine must be confronted.

Millions face starvation in Sudan as warring factions block aid delivery | BBC News

Millions face starvation in Sudan as warring factions block aid delivery As many as 5 million people are facing starvation in Sudan, where more people have b...

Sudan's paramilitary forces unleash campaign of terror to enlist men and boys

In 2023, the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces moved into Sudan's central Al Jazira state. Since then, the forces have demanded men and boys join their ranks and coerced them by withholding food and supplies, according to over three dozen...