Montana man records shocking up-close footage of UFO rotating in air that made his wife 'cry'

A man in small-town Montana captured footage of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) and shared the shocking video that made his wife 'cry' on Reddit.


EN UCUZ İPHONE VE SAMSUNG TELEFONLARI! 18 BİN TL'DEN UCUZ SIFIR İPHONEYıllardır kıyasıya rekabet içinde olan iPhone ve Samsung marka telefonlar ülkemizde büyük talep görmeye devam ediyor. Şimdilerde tüm dünyanın gözü eylül ayında çıkacak olan...

Campaigners slam Sadiq Khan's 'thoughtless PR stunt' after TfL rakes in £500,000 to temporarily change name of two Tube stations 'at the expense of safety' for disabled passengers

A Freedom of Information request has revealed TfL received two six-figure sums to temporarily change the name of London Underground stations in the past year.

Flip phones are back and better than EVER! Shoppers race to snap up Samsung's new AI-enhanced smart flip phone (here's everything you need to know)

SHOPPING: Miss your old flip phone? Samsung has released their new Galaxy Z Flip6 phone which gives you double the productivity in half the space as your current smartphone.

Samsung macht Rekordgewinn und hofft auf mehr

Im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum steigert Samsung Electronics im zweiten Quartal 2024 seinen Gewinn um mehr als das 15-fache. Die Südkoreaner profitieren dabei von der Erholung der Halbleiterpreise und erwarten weitere Milliarden-Gewinne.

One ring to pay them all! I tested a contactless payment ring and got some VERY strange looks on the London Underground

A 'minimalist' payment ring from a little-known British company that doesn't cost a penny could prove popular with cash-strapped Brits.

Samsung telefon 40 dakika içinde ele geçirildi! Bu ne anlama geliyor?

Donald Trump'a silahlı saldırı düzenleyen kişinin Samsung telefonu FBI tarafından 40 dakikada kırıldı. Güvenlik sorunları da gündeme geldi.

Revealed: The 8 new emoji coming to your iPhone this autumn - including a fingerprint, a face with bags under its eyes, and an unusual flag

The unusual flag features a red St. George's cross and yellow lions in the corner - so do you know what land it represents?

Samsungs kuriose Antwort auf Apples KI-Offensive

Mit seiner KI-Offensive könnte Apple den Smartphone-Markt neu aufmischen. Auch zulasten von Samsung. Der Elektronik-Riese will als Antwort darauf künftig KI in all seine Geräte einbauen. In der koreanischen Stadt Suwon ist eine erste...

Sound aus dem Bilderrahmen – Das kann Samsungs Lautsprecher-Idee fürs Regal

Inzwischen ist Samsungs Music Frame auch in Deutschland zu haben. Der Stereo-Lautsprecher sieht wie ein Bilderrahmen aus und spielt Musik aus unterschiedlichen Quellen. Der Vergleichstest mit einem günstigeren Herausforderer zeigt: Seine Vorteile...

Sound aus dem Bilderrahmen – Das kann Samsungs Lautsprecher-Idee fürs Regal

Inzwischen ist Samsungs Music Frame auch in Deutschland zu haben. Der Stereo-Lautsprecher sieht wie ein Bilderrahmen aus und spielt Musik aus unterschiedlichen Quellen. Der Vergleichstest mit einem günstigeren Herausforderer zeigt: Seine Vorteile...

Diese bemerkenswerten Funktionen machen Googles Pixel zum ersten echten KI-Smartphone

Google bringt ein umfassendes Update für seine Pixel-8-Smartphones mit zahlreichen KI-Funktionen heraus. Sie machen nicht nur die Sprachsuche endlich sinnvoll nutzbar. Auch für Gruppenfotos, Kurznachrichten und Bildersuche liefert Google...

Große Siri-Revolution? Apples späte KI-Offensive für das iPhone

Apple will Siri jetzt zum Vorreiter der künstlichen Intelligenz machen. Denn der iPhone-Hersteller ist nie zuvor derart unter Druck geraten. Reichen die neuen Funktionen, um wieder an die Spitze zu kommen?

Samsung workers in South Korea stage first-ever strike over pay

Workers at tech giant Samsung Electronics in South Korea staged the first strike at the company on Friday, the head of a major union representing tens of thousands of people told AFP.

Samsung çalışanları greve gidiyor

Güney Kore’de Samsung Electronics sendikası, daha yüksek ücret talepleri üzerine gelecek hafta ilk kez grev eylemi başl...

Samsung pokes fun at its rival Apple following reports that iPhone alarms aren't working properly - 'rest assured our alarms GO OFF'

While Apple has reassured users that it's fixing the problem, Samsung has taken to Instagram to poke fun at its rival.

Heart-stopping moment incredibly brave newsagent fights off gun-toting robber using only a computer monitor - as thug is jailed for six years

Daniel Lee, 43, repeatedly battered the newsagent over the head with the butt of a gun after attempting to ransack the till at the store in Shawbrooke Road, Eltham, southeast London, on 10 December last year.

All-change for Harry and Meghan as they bring in former sweets PR man as UK contact and ex United Talent Agency ace to their comms team in new shake-up

Harry and Meghan hired PR executives Kyle Boulia, based in Los Angeles, and Charlie Gipson, based in the UK, after their former Director of Global Communications was promoted.

Shocking moment bike-riding thief swoops to snatch man's mobile phone out of his hand in London's Park Lane

This is the shocking moment a bike-riding thief snatched a man's mobile phone out of his hand in London 's Park Lane.

Samsung’un XR başlığının özellikleri ne zaman açıklanır?

Samsung mayıs ayında XR başlığının özelliklerini açıklayabilir. Peki bu cihazın nasıl olması bekleniyor?

Apple LOSES its top phone maker spot to Samsung - as struggling tech giant urgently looks to find its 'next big thing'

Apple has lost its spot as the largest smartphone seller in the world after iPhone shipments dropped about 10 percent in the first three months of the year.