PETER HITCHENS: Labour moans about smears - but it produced the nastiest election film I've ever seen

I have still never got over the nastiest political broadcast I have ever seen in a free country. I watched it by accident, as I flopped down in front of the TV after a long day on the 1997 campaign trail.

SARAH VINE: Rishi, more than anyone, had a duty to honour our last few defenders of democracy. He failed - and I can't forgive him

One of the most poignant moments of this week's D-Day 80th anniversary commemorations came as the actor Martin Freeman recited the words of veteran Joe Mines in Ver-sur-Mer.

My 48 beautiful bloodhounds have never hurt a fly. But I dread their fate if Starmer's class warriors ban all hunting with dogs, says IVAN MASSOW

My dogs - all 48 of them - are a huge part of my life. My heart breaks when I lose one of them. Every animal lover will understand the pain of that.

Bridgerton storyline debate: Why whirlwind romances are not reserved for thin women

NY Times: An opinion piece questioned a Bridgerton character’s desirability. Fans hit back

MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: Labour and a covert plot to sneak Britain back into the EU fold

Labour have a murky record of post-election bombshells which are not mentioned in any manifesto.

DAN HODGES: From quaint village halls to grimy pubs, the same drumbeat is echoing in this election campaign. The boats, the boats, the boats...

Ian, who runs the local butcher's shop, is not without compassion. 'I've got no problem with people who want to come here and work,' he tells me, 'and people who really need our help, then we help them.'

Hamilton rates rise 16.5% after council deliberate Long-Term Plan feedback

Mayor Paula Southgate said it had been “the most challenging and complex" LTP.

ANDREW NEIL: Rishi Sunak has let down our veterans. He has let down the King. He has let down the country. This is terminal - and will haunt him through his last days in politics

The crass stupidity of it is unfathomable. In what possible political universe could this have been thought to be a sensible move?

JANET STREET-PORTER: Rishi's D-Day disaster was the height of bad manners - and shows why today's shouty politicians need to stop talking and start listening to the people who will decide their fate on July 4

JANET STREET-PORTER: You can't just disappear two-thirds of the way through because your poll ratings are tanking and your pride can't cope with the prospect of defeat on July 4th.

BORIS JOHNSON: Sir Keir Schnorrer plans to slink into No.10 as silently as Larry the cat - then lock us back in the dungeon of Brussels, like a ball-chewing gimp

What you need to know - and what he isn't telling you - is that if Starmer gets in, he will abandon Brexit. He won't formally rejoin - he hasn't the guts to try that, yet.

TOM UTLEY: Chilling. Creepy. Inhuman. Starmer's NO to private healthcare was the moment we saw the cold-blooded Socialist ideologue he really is

By far the most revealing moment of this week's election debate, in my book, had nothing to do with the row over tax or the two leaders' competing efforts to bribe us with imaginary money.

King Charles honours courageous soldiers who took on tyranny with their 'resounding message of courage in pursuit of freedom', writes ROBERT HARDMAN - as world leaders, including Joe Biden, gather on Normandy coast to mark D-Day's 80th anniversary

King Charles joined world leaders including President Joe Biden, as they gathered on the Normandy coast today to mark the 80th anniversary of the day that changed the Second World War.

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: If the Tories are wiped out, it won't be Farage's fault - they'll only have themselves to blame

Let's get one thing straight from the off. If, or rather when, Keir Starmer walks into 10 Downing Street on July 5, it won't be the fault of Nigel Farage or Reform UK.

Nigel Farage's entire campaign is fuelled by his wounded ego, says STEPHEN POLLARD. Spurned by the Tories, he's now out to destroy them

Nigel Farage 's double volte-face on Monday, when he announced he was taking over as leader of Reform, and standing as its candidate in Clacton, has turbocharged the party's poll ratings.

STEPHEN GLOVER: The one Tory policy that would make voters sit up and listen - if only Rishi were brave enough

Rishi Sunak may have won the debate on Tuesday evening but, let's face it, these ­gladiatorial battles are unlikely to boost Tory fortunes.

Dr Kathryn Mannix has witnessed hundreds of deaths. Here’s what she wants you to know

Financial Times: Most dying people 'get what life’s all about', Dr Kathryn Mannix says.

Holy Mary mother, of God, it's Line of Duty's Ted Hastings singing Kiss Me Kate, writes JAN MOIR... And there's even a wee donkey!

'Thine arms so warm, so tender, were thine the kiss divine, were thine the love for me,' he throbs away in his pungent tenor, striding across the stage of London 's Barbican Theatre.

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: On D-Day, our fight for security goes on

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: As dawn broke 80 years ago today, perhaps the greatest military endeavour in history commenced.

Thames seawall: Design concepts up for debate to protect $1 billion in assets

Work on design concepts for the protection of Thames is under way.

In the most poignant D-Day tributes ever staged, there's a sense of a final farewell: ROBERT HARDMAN joins 100 'lucky ones' and Princess Anne in Normandy to hear tales of lost loves and heroism that reshaped the War

The Princess was leading the advance party for today's Royal mini-invasion of Normandy, to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Is King Charles trying to force Prince Andrew out of Royal Lodge by cutting his £4million security and personal allowances?

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Does King Charles really want to force Andrew out of Royal Lodge by cutting off his £4million security and personal allowances?