Victory for Putin as Georgia's parliament overrides presidential veto and passes divisive 'foreign agents' legislation - despite mass protests against the bill described as 'the Russian law'

Tens of thousands of protestors descended on the capital, Tbilisi, on Tuesday as the ruling Georgian Dream party passed the bill that will torpedo those European hopes.

Peskov'dan İsviçre'deki 'Ukrayna Barış Zirvesi'ne tepki: Rusya'sız tartışma fikri saçma!

Peskov, Özbekistan'ın başkenti Taşkent'te, Rus gazetecilere Ukrayna meselesine dair açıklamalarda bulundu.İsviçre'nin e...

CANLI | NATO Rusya ile savaşırsa Türkiye ne yapacak?

T24 yazarı Hakan Aksay yorumluyor

STEPHEN GLOVER: Starmer's 'major' speech offered us nothing but vacuous platitudes. At least Rishi's Tories, whatever their faults, have some bold new ideas

Readers may remember a children's puzzle - it may still be around - called Where's Wally?. The object of the exercise was to identify Wally and occasionally his friends.

Kyiv says talks on France sending military instructors to Ukraine are ongoing

Ukraine on Monday walked back an announcement that French military instructors would soon arrive in the country, saying that it was still in talks with Paris and other allies on the issue.

Ukraine Might Not Become NATO Member Within Next 30 Years - Scholz

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Sunday that Ukraine might not become a NATO member for the next 30 years.

Nato nations unite to protect borders from Russian aggression

Allies are working together after migrants were forced across the Russian border.

Vladimir Putin should grab trio of cities in three NATO countries as they have substantial Russian links and populations, top general warns on state TV

Vladimir Putin must correct an 'historical mistake' by Lenin and Stalin, according to reservist tank commander Major-General Nikolay Plotnikov.

Biden'ın hedefinde 'Putin' var: 'NATO hiç olmadığı kadar güçlü'

ABD Başkanı Joe Biden, Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin'in NATO'nun dağılacağını düşündüğünü belirterek, "Ancak dünya tarihinin en mükemmel savunma ittifakı, hiç olmadığı kadar güçlü" değerlendirmesinde bulundu.

Putin wants a ceasefire in Ukraine 'because the war costs too much, he can sell his territorial gains as a victory at home - and any further advance would require mass mobilisation'

Russian sources yesterday claimed that their president is ready to 'freeze the war' in Ukraine if a negotiated ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines can be agreed.

Tories hammer Starmer on security, claiming UK would be less safe under Labour in the face of economic, military and energy threats - after gaffe-laden start to campaign

Oliver Dowden warned of Keir Starmer 's plans to halt exploration of the North Sea and defence polices - saying he is putting Britain's military security, economic security and energy security at risk.

NATO'dan Ukrayna çıkışı: Rusya’daki hedeflere karşı kullanabilmeli

NATO Genel Sekreteri Stoltenberg, Batı silahlarının Rusya’daki hedeflere karşı kullanılmasına ilişkin kısıtlamaların kaldırılması gerektiğini belirtti.

NATO States Must Lift Restrictions on Ukraine's Use of Western Weapons to Strike Russia - Chief

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - NATO countries must lift the restrictions on the use of western weapons by Ukraine to carry out strikes against facilities in Russia, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday.

Russia is waging a shadow war on the West that needs a collective response, Estonian leader says

Estonia is seeing a rise in instances of sabotage, electronic warfare and spying.

'President Raisi murdered thousands and targeted people in Britain - I won't mourn him': UK minister Tom Tugendhat leads international condemnation as Iran begins three-day funeral proceedings for Butcher of Tehran

Today's procession in the city of Tabriz was the first act of funeral proceedings expected to last three days, with Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei set to hold a farewell ceremony in Tehran tomorrow

Grant Shapps vows he WILL find more planes for mass parachute drop to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day landings after fury that defence cuts had left just ONE available

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps made the commitment amid fury that cuts to the military had left just one aircraft available for the commemoration.

Kosova’da Mehmetçiğe güven tam

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri (TSK) çeyrek asırdır Balkanlar’ın en kırılgan bölgelerinden Kosova’da güvenlik ve istikrarının sağlanmasında önemli bir rol oynuyor.

Bir Kez Daha Seçildi ve Artık Daha Güçlü! Putin, Avrupa'yı Korkutuyor!

HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun...Yeniden devlet başkanı seçilmesinin ardından soluğu Çin'de alan Vladimir Putin, Avrupa'yı k...

Türk askeri Kosova'da

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri, yurt içinde olduğu kadar yurt dışında da huzur ve güvenliğin sağlanması için faaliyetler yürütüyor. Mehmetçiğin görev yaptığı ülkele...

British Army sinks the Americans in bridge-building war game triumph during NATO drills in Poland - as UK troops set up crossing in record time

Faced with the daunting task of crossing an 156-metre stretch across the Drawa River in the west of Poland, the British troops created a makeshift ferry crossing in just 18 minutes.

HAŞMET BABAOĞLU / Kim kurşunlattı?

Tarihin çarkı iyice hızlandı... Her şey iki büyük Dünya Savaşı'nın arifesine benziyor... Açın interneti veya bir ansiklopediyi, bakın!.. Slovakya maddesinin karşısında ilk olarak şu yazar: Avrupa'da...