Millionenvergleich nach 737-Max-Abstürzen – Opfer-Anwalt spricht von „sweetheart deal“

Ein Schuldbekenntnis und eine Strafzahlung in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe – das soll das Vergleichsangebot des US-Justizministeriums an Boeing im Zusammenhang mit dem Absturz von zwei 737 Max sein. Die Hinterbliebenen der Opfer sollen über das...

US Justice Department to Charge Boeing With Criminal Fraud – Report

The legal team representing the families of victims of the 737 MAX aircraft crashes was notified of the decision the Justice Department reached to prosecute Boeing, but they do not believe it does enough to hold the company accountable.

Boeing's Setbacks Show Why US Industries Lose Competitive Edge

Boeing's problems keep piling up. The company faces a new inquiry over B787 Dreamliner safety inspections and is feeling the blowback from sanctions on Russia.

Boeing'de yeni skandal! Bu kez de kalkış sırasında uçak motorunun kapağı düştü

Havacılık devi Boeing uçuş sırasında gövdesinden parça kopan 737 Max 9 tipi uçakla ilgili yaşanan güvenlik krizinin ardından yeni bir sorunla karşı karşıya. Dün Southwest Airlines'a ait Boeing 737 tipi yolcu uçağının kalkış sırasında motor kapağı...

Outgoing Boeing CEO Bags $33 Million Pay-Off Despite B737 Max Accidents

The beleaguered US aerospace giant is in hot water over several accidents involving its 737 Max airliner and rising concerns about its safety standards and management.

Boeing replaces 737 Max unit head amid ongoing plane issues

According to an internal memo obtained by CNN, the head of Boeing's 737 Max division has been replaced following last month's door blowout incident on an Alaska Airlines flight. CNN's Pete Muntean reports.

Boeing raporu açıklandı: Kapı neden patladı?

ABD Ulusal Ulaşım Güvenliği Kurulu, Ocak ayında Alaska Havayolları uçağında meydana gelen olayla ilgili soruşturmanın i...

Muntean shows example of bolt that was missing from door plug on Boeing plane

Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board said evidence shows four bolts that hold the door plug in place on the Boeing 737 Max 9 were missing at the time of last month's blowout on Alaska Airlines flight 1282.

Boeing planes to take flight after weeks of safety inspections

The Federal Aviation Administration gives the green light for Boeing's 737 Max 9 passenger jets to fly again after an accident caused a door plug to blow out during an Alaska Airlines flight earlier this month.

U.S. officials move to allow Boeing's 737 Max 9 jets to return to the skies

Boeing's CEO stops by Capitol Hill, hoping to reassure key senators that the company's planes are safe, after an incident earlier this month in which the door panel of a 737 Max 9 blew off.

Alaska Airlines investigation

Loose bolts and hardware have been found on some grounded Boeing 737 Max 9 planes. This comes amid a probe into how a door plug blew off an Alaska Airlines flight mid-air. CNN's Pete Muntean reports.

Cockpit voice recorder 'completely overwritten' on Alaska Airlines plane

Federal officials examining the horrifying midflight blowout of a section of an Alaska Airlines aircraft’s fuselage said the lost piece has been found – a ke...

Official asked whether it's safe to fly on any Boeing plane right now. Hear her response

An Alaska Airlines plane made an emergency landing in Oregon after a section of the aircraft blew off during the plane's ascent, according to firsthand accou...

Passenger talks about experience on Alaska Airlines flight that lost panel during flight

Alaska Airlines is grounding its fleet of Boeing Max 9 aircraft after a panel and the window within it was blown out of one plane after takeoff. Laila Harrak speaks to Emma Vu, who was a passenger on that plane.

Airbus widens its lead over Boeing in China with plans for second finishing line there

Airbus announced plans Thursday for a second final-assembly line in China, the latest sign that it has a lock on the key aviation market over rival Boeing.

Biden's FAA nominee to get long-awaited confirmation hearing this week

President Joe Biden's embattled pick to lead the Federal Aviation Administration is scheduled for his confirmation hearing before Congress on Wednesday morning amid a series of challenges for the agency.

Biden to announce a Boeing and Air India deal worth at least $34 billion

Air India will purchase more than 200 planes from Boeing, a White House official says President Joe Biden will announce Tuesday. It's the third biggest sale of all time for the aircraft manufacturer.

Boeing Reportedly Pleads Not Guilty in US Court to Criminal Liability for 737 MAX Crashes

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Aerospace company Boeing pleaded not guilty in a US federal court to criminal responsibility for two 737 MAX crashes that killed hundreds of people in Indonesia and Ethiopia, US media reported on Thursday.

Boeing ordered to appear in court next week on fraud conspiracy charge

A federal judge has ordered Boeing to appear in federal court in Texas next week for an arraignment on a fraud charge involving the certification of the 737 MAX.

China’s BOC Aviation, Asia’s Biggest Plane Lender, Orders 40 More Boeing 737 Max Airliners

American planemaker Boeing scored an important sale of its troubled 737 Max aircraft earlier this week when BOC Aviation, the largest commercial plane lender in Asia, penned a deal to buy 40 more of the jet airliners.

United places order for 200 Boeing planes, giving two troubled jets a boost

United Airlines placed a massive order for at least 200 Boeing planes on Tuesday, split between two models dogged by recent problems: the 737 Max and the 787 Dreamliner.