Ukrayna Rusya kontrolündeki Luhansk bölgesine saldırdı: 28 ölü

Ukrayna güçlerinin Rusya kontrolündeki Luhansk bölgesinde yer alan Lısıçansk kentinde bir fırının bulunduğu binaya düze...

Putin darf sich auch in annektierten Gebieten wählen lassen

Im März stimmen die Menschen in Russland über ihren Präsidenten ab – und auch in den annektierten Gebieten in der Ukraine. In Kiew wurden in der Nacht vier Menschen durch Trümmerteile verletzt. London sendet indes Minenräumschiffe ins Schwarze Meer.

Britischer Geheimdienst meldet 70.000 tote russische Soldaten in der Ukraine

Laut dem britischen Geheimdienst sollen etwa 70.000 Russen im Krieg in der Ukraine gefallen sein. Auch die US-Regierung kämpft – um mehr Geld für die militärische Unterstützung der Ukraine. Laut einem Bericht sollen 97 Prozent der Mittel des...

EU-Kommission empfiehlt Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Ukraine

Eine EU-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine rückt etwas näher: Die Kommission unter Ursula von der Leyen spricht sich für Beitrittsverhandlungen aus. Im Kampf um Cherson sollen ukrainische Soldaten derweil gepanzerte Technik über den Dnipro gebracht haben.

Ukraine meldet Zerstörung von neun russischen Hubschraubern

In der Nähe der besetzten Städte Luhansk und Berdjansk hat die ukrainische Armee nach eigenen Angaben neun russische Hubschrauber zerstört. Die russischen Angriffe im Osten der Ukraine nennt das britische Verteidigungsministerium „die...

ABD ve Rusya kazandı Avrupa ve Kiev kaybetti

Bugün, 24 Şubat 2022'de başlayan Ukrayna'daki savaşın 589'uncu günü. Başka bir ifadeyle küresel çapta enerji, tahıl ve diğer sosyo- ekonomik krizleri tetikleyen savaşın 19'uncu ayındayız, bir buçuk yıl...

Putin claims Russia's occupation of Ukrainian regions was "popular decision"

Vladimir Putin called Russia's illegal annexation of four Ukrainian regions last year "a popular decision." He was marking the one-year anniversary since Russia annexed the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine.

Soldier spotted a drone and thought it was there to kill him. See what drone did instead

CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports on the rescues of a Ukrainian soldier and a Russian commander injured on Ukraine's battlefield. #CNN #News

For Putin it's about staying in the war, historian says

War historian Lawrence Freedman talks to CNN’s Bianna Golodryga about the state of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. #CNN #News

Ex-CIA director identifies key factor in Ukrainian counteroffensive

Retired General and former CIA Director David Petraeus discusses the state of Ukraine’s counteroffensive and reveals what he thinks it will take to break thr...

Retired colonel on what could happen if Ukraine's counteroffensive is successful

CNN military analyst and retired Col. Cedric Leighton breaks down the latest developments in Ukraine's military counteroffensive as it makes notable gains. #...

'Russian propaganda is beginning to fall apart,' says Pulitzer Prize-winning historian

Award-winning journalist and author Anne Applebaum tells CNN’s Bianna Golodryga that the weak turnout at Russia's Africa summit proves President Putin is los...

Video shows Ukrainian counteroffensive reaching a critical Russian defensive line

Ukrainian forces in southern Ukraine can be seen for the first time at one of Russia's long-stretching "dragon's teeth" defensive lines in a new video circul...

Ukraine claims frontline advances amid Russian chaos

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to Donetsk to meet with and encourage soldiers. CNN's Chief International Security Correspondent Nick Paton W...

Russia launched ‘another massive air attack’ at Ukraine

Russia launched a new wave of drone attacks on Kyiv with Iran-made attack drones, a senior Ukrainian military official said. CNN’s Fred Pleitgen reports. #CN...

‘A little bit ridiculous’: Retired general on Russia’s new tactic

Russia’s Ministry of Defense has claimed that a Ukrainian stronghold was destroyed by a remotely controlled tank packed with a huge amount of explosives, in ...

Putin is 'blackmailing all of us': Ukrainian ambassador to UK

Ukraine's ambassador to the United Kingdom, Vadym Prystaiko, tells CNN’s Bianna Golodryga that the transfer of Russian nuclear weapons to Belarus should be t...

Explosions hit Kyiv as African leaders visit

Six people, including a child, were injured in the Kyiv region following a missile attack, according to Ukrainian authorities. The attack coincided with the ...

Ukrainian military claims ‘partial success’ in several directions

The Ukrainian military claimed its forces have achieved “partial success” in several directions during its current counteroffensive. Andriy Kovalov, spokesma...

Video shows Ukrainian soldiers firing at holed up Russian fighters

As Ukrainian forces advance in an ongoing counteroffensive, Russia is retaliating and the fighting is intense. CNN's Fred Pleitgen got a first-hand look from...

Zelensky adviser sets ‘ultimate goal’ for counteroffensive

President Zelensky's Chief Diplomatic Adviser Igor Zhovkva talks to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour about the beginning of Ukraine's counteroffensive and Kyiv's ul...