Round Two: US Colleges Prepare for Renewed Suppression of Pro-Palestine Protests

Campus administrators are preparing to limit the activity of pro-Palestine demonstrators in keeping with the prerogatives of donors and special interest groups.

Age. Race. Sexual Orientation. Should Political Expression Be A Protected Class Too?

Your boss can’t fire you because of the color of your skin. He can’t get rid of you because he doesn’t like your religion. Federal law protects you against employment discrimination based on your sex, race, pregnancy status, sexual orientation,...

‘Business as Usual’: Elite WhatsApp Chat Found Influencing NYC Mayor, Gaza Public Opinion

During the call, the powerful individuals reportedly discussed making political donations to Adams, and suggested that they could pressure the school’s president and trustees to permit the use of police against students protesting the deaths of...

'Before Oct 7, There Was an Oct 6': Student Protests Continue Despite Media Spins

The incident at Duke University is the latest in a series of student protests that are occurring across the country. The protests have resulted in nearly 2,900 arrests at 57 colleges and universities, AP News reported.

Conflict at Home and Abroad as Clock Ticks Down on US Empire

Journalist Patrick Lawence sees weakness at the heart of American attempts to impose its will by force.

Pro-Palestiners Should Fight Back Against Right-Wing Bullies

There are more Democrats than Republicans, more liberals than conservatives, more progressives than MAGAs. But you’d never know that from looking at our politics. From abortion to the minimum wage to war, the Right wins the important arguments.

Play Into His Base: Trump May Use Student Protests to Win 2024 Presidential Election

The Ivy League school made its decision to downsize its commencement ceremony on May 15 after discussions with student leaders. Pro-Palestinian protests first began on April 17 after students set up about 50 tents demanding a cease-fire in Gaza,...

US Senator Calls for Palestinian Protesters to Be Added to Terrorist, No-Fly Lists

Tuesday night, a massive group of NYPD officers broke up the Pro-Palestinian encampment at Columbia university, arresting hundreds. It was the latest in a string of strict crackdowns by US authorities on campus protests.

Scott Ritter: Student Protests Among ‘Most Important Things’ to Happen in US in Decades

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video address that the protests against his country on American universities that had then only recently sprung up were "antisemitic mobs" that had "taken over" college campuses. He...

This Is a Golden Age of Censorship

It’s too bad we can’t monetize censorship, because we truly live in a golden age of speech suppression. In this deeply polarized society, the one thing we can all agree upon is that people we disagree with need to shut up.

UK’s Defense of Israel Reveals Hypocrisy, Cynical Abuse of ‘Human Rights’ Claims

The United Kingdom has been accused of “destabilizing the entire concept of universal human rights” through its defense of Israel and repression of internal dissent.

Critical Fallout After Violent Arrests of Emory University Protestors

After descending on the protestors, dozens of Atlanta police officers and Georgia state troopers arrested 28 people, including three faculty members in the latest of crackdowns on pro-Palestine protests.

Pro-Palestine Student Protest in Washington Continues Despite Demands to Remove Camp

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Dozens of students are still camped out at the George Washington University (GWU) in the US capital to protest against Israeli military actions in Gaza, despite demands by officials to disperse, a Sputnik correspondent...

Threats Against Campus Pro-Palestine Demonstrators Echo Deadly Violence of Kent State

As demonstrations spread across US college campuses, so too have threats from officials and prominent politicians.