155-year-old chocolate company braces for dramatic rise in cocoa prices

Guittard Chocolate Company CEO Gary Guittard explains why climate change and disease have made sourcing cocoa more challenging.

The price of chocolate is soaring. Here's why

CNN's Ivan Rodriguez takes a look at the surging price of cocoa and its effect on the sales of chocolate around the Easter holiday.

CNN Freedom Project: Some Nepalis caught in a spiral of debt

For generations, thousands of low-caste families in southeastern Nepal have been trapped in a form of bonded labor known as Harawa-Charawa. Men grow and till the crops of landowners, while women and children herd cattle. The families have no...

Texas ranch manager shows wildfire devastation

CNN's Camila Bernal speaks to one of many cattle farmers whose livelihoods have been devastated by the Smokehouse Creek Fire, the largest in Texas history.

Growing discontent among Europe's farmers

Farmers across Europe are continuing to protest stiff EU regulations and what they say is unfair competition from Ukrainian agriculture. CNN's Michael Holmes reports.

Australia agrees to unload some livestock stuck on a ship since January

Australia's Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has agreed that some of the more than 16,000 sheep and cattle stuck off of Western Australia's port city of Fremantle will be unloaded.

Angry French farmers move closer to Paris

Thousands of police have been mobilized in France as farmers on tractors move closer to Paris, aiming to block routes around the French capital in protest against government policies. CNN's Senior International Correspondent Melissa Bell explains...

French farmers plan to blockade Paris

Angry farmers plan to converge on the French capital as they protest for better pay and relief from regulatory burdens. Officials say they will not let the city be shut down.

Thousands of Israel's farm workers flee in fear

CNN's Nic Robertson reports on how Israeli farms are dealing with an exodus of foreign workers following the October 7th attacks.

Ukraine: Polish farmers end blockade of one border crossing

The Ukrainian border service says Polish farmers have ended their blockade at one of the crossings between the two countries, and traffic has been fully restored. The protests along the border started more than a month ago over what protesters say...

Producing sustainable textiles from lab-grown fiber

At its plant outside Bangkok, Thailand, Japanese biotech company Spiber is making textiles by fermenting sugar.

Releasing captive-bred deer to help Thailand's wild tigers

Thailand's Western Forest Complex is a bastion for the country's wild tigers. A conservation program in two national parks there is introducing sambar deer to help the ecosystem and potentially boost the tiger population.

Mystery of the missing space tomato solved

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio harvested tomatoes during his historic 371 days in the international space station, but then one went missing.

Breaking into South Africa's macadamia nut industry

As the world's largest producer of macadamia nuts, South Africa is looking to precision farming and other sustainable practices to stay on top.

Video shows how Hamas captured workers on this farm. Now, it's struggling to survive

CNN's Nic Robertson speaks with Israeli farmers who are struggling to keep food operations going after the brutal Hamas attack on October 7.

'World's loneliest sheep' rescued from cave

"World's Loneliest Sheep" rescued from cliff cave. Now Fiona is famous instead of lonely. CNN's Jeanne Moos reports.

Drone footage of sheep herd is 'weirdly mesmerizing'

How did the sheep cross the road? In a weirdly mesmerizing way. CNN's Jeanne Moos reports.

Hollywood Minute: Ed Sheeran changes things on new album

Don't look for any music videos or promotional singles from 'Autumn Variations,' and a look at a documentary on the battle over Roundup and pesticides. David Daniel reports.

'Never insult Poles again': Prime minister fires back at Zelensky

Tensions between Poland and Ukraine continue to rise as Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told Volodymyr Zelensky never to "insult Poles again" after the Ukrainian president suggested Poland was putting on a show over their disputes on...

Putin says he would consider reviving the grain deal if export restrictions on his country are lifted

Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia will be ready to consider reviving the grain deal "as soon as all the agreements on lifting restrictions on the export of Russian agricultural products are fully implemented." CNN's Nic Robertson reports.

Grain exports to be key topic at Putin's meeting with Turkey's president

CNN's International Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson previews Putin's meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on grain exports.