Census 2023: The changing face of Tauranga and Western Bay

How our demographic makeup is changing.

South Korean lawmakers raise concerns over Chinese voters

Members of South Korea’s ruling conservative party have proposed a bill that would place tighter restrictions on the voting rights of foreign permanent residents in local elections

Scientists call for action to help sunflower sea stars

Scientists along the West Coast are seeking action to help sunflower sea stars recover from catastrophic population declines

Swedish Fertility Drops to Record Low in Decades

Statistics Sweden offered no detailed explanation for the declining number of newborns, yet rejected any connection with current worries about a looming recession, as fertility in Sweden has fallen even during economic booms.

Census: Christians a minority in England; non-religious grow

The latest U.K. census has found that less than half of people in England and Wales consider themselves Christian

Fidelity Charitable launches NFT raffle amid crypto downturn

Fidelity Charitable, the nation’s largest grantmaker, is getting into NFTs or nonfungible tokens despite a torrent of bad news about cryptocurrency companies

Japan births at new low as population shrinks and ages

Japan’s top government spokesperson said Monday that the number of babies born this year is below last year's record low

Clinging to ancient faith, India tribes seek religion status

India’s 110 million indigenous tribespeople are scattered across various states and fragmented into hundreds of clans, with different legends, different languages and different words for their gods

Global luxury sales set to hit record this year, study says

Luxury spending is growing faster than ever, fueled by pent-up pandemic demand and shifting demographics as younger, more diverse consumers buy into tiny handbag and post-streetwear trends

Polish leader blames low birthrate on women using alcohol

Poland’s ruling party leader has triggered anger and mockery by claiming that the country’s low birthrate is partly caused by overconsumption of alcohol by young women

Israel's Haredi voters drift hard right in leadership vacuum

One of Israel’s most extremist politicians, known for his inflammatory anti-Arab speeches and stunts, is attracting new supporters from a previously untapped demographic

Number of Births in Finland Drops to Lowest Ever Amid Record Mortality, Immigration

Historically low birthrates, a shrinking population, the growth of elderly groups with special healthcare needs and a drop in the number of taxpayers are all factors that necessitate high immigration, simply to keep the Finnish economy...

Endangered whale's decline slows, but population falls again

The decline of an endangered species of whale slowed last year as it lost about 2% of its population

India’s energy future is looking green, report says

India’s renewables sector is booming, with the country projected to add 35 to 40 gigawatts of renewable energy annually until 2030, enough to power up to 30 million more homes each year, a report said Thursday

India’s energy future is looking green, report says

India’s renewables sector is booming, with the country projected to add 35 to 40 gigawatts of renewable energy annually until 2030, enough to power up to 30 million more homes each year, a report said Thursday

Fed meeting minutes, consumer price index, big bank earns

The Federal Reserve releases minutes from its most recent interest rate policy meeting Wednesday