Slovak leader sets framework for snap vote after govt falls

Slovakia’s president has formally dismissed the country's government a day after it lost a parliamentary no-confidence vote and set the framework for holding an early election by mid-2023

Slovak government loses parliamentary no confidence vote

Slovakia’s coalition government has fallen after losing a parliamentary no-confidence vote

Slovakian regional, mayoral elections back the status quo

The results of the regional and local elections in Slovakia have shown the voters didn’t use the ballot to punish the coalition government of Prime Minister Eduard Heger for high inflation driven by soaring energy prices

Freiheitspreis für die slowakische Präsidentin Zuzana Caputova

Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit: Berlin (ots) - Die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit verleiht der slowakischen Präsidentin Zuzana Caputova den Freiheitspreis für ihren Einsatz für die liberale Demokratie. Zuzana Caputova...

Thousands rally in Bratislava to honor 2 gay men shot dead

Slovakia’s president has joined a rally of thousands to honor two gay men who were shot dead in the capital earlier this week and demonstrate support for the LGBTQ community

Suspect in killing of 2 in Slovakia's capital found dead

Slovakia’s police say they found the body of a suspect who allegedly fatally shot two people the previous day in the capital in what some officials are suggesting was a hate crime

Slovakya'nın ilk kadın Cumhurbaşkanı Caputova görev başında

Slovakya'da mart ayında yapılan Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerini yüzde 58 oy alarak kazanan avukat Zuzana Caputova, yemin ederek, eski Cumhurbaşkanı Andrej Kiska'dan görevi devraldı. 

Slovakya'nın ilk kadın Cumhurbaşkanı göreve başladı

Slovakya'da mart ayında yapılan Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimlerini yüzde 58 oy alarak kazanan avukat Zuzana Caputova, yemin e...