Trump ally Steve Bannon must surrender to prison by July 1 to start contempt sentence, judge says

Steve Bannon vows to fight to the Supreme Court.

GDT: Dairy prices up 1.7 per cent for first event of the season

Good news for Kiwi dairy farmers this morning.

Whangamatā wetland project gets under way

Whangamatā residents have received an onsite briefing about the project.

Canadian Open: Ryan Fox impresses in first round in latest PGA Tour event

Ryan Fox impresses in the first round at the Canadian Open.

Final Waitangi Tribunal hearings start at Raukawa in Ōtaki

Ngāti Korokī is the last hapū to be heard by the Waitangi Tribunal.

Why one NZ Rugby governance proposal is doomed before the start line - Liam Napier

Big provincial unions set to kill the push for governance independence at Thursday's vote.

Hastings Boys’ High nails Super 8 rugby win over New Plymouth

Super 8 first fifteens rugby started on Saturday.

Optimistic about the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin unleashes a purge at home

New York Times: Some military leaders have been sacked and others charged with corruption.

Indy 500: Scott Dixon charts plan to overcome a century of losing from 21st on the grid

Others higher up the grid are better placed to take out the Greatest Spectacle in Racing.

Instant a-peel: Orchardist’s rapid football rise from reserve team to the National League

George Andrew had a whirlwind 2023 on and off the pitch - and he's firing for 2024.

Giro d’Italia ‘shambles’ as riders boycott new route after severe snowfall

Racers eventually got underway on a revised, shorter course.

Luke Newton steps cautiously into the Bridgerton spotlight

New York Times: The latest season of Bridgerton sees Luke Newton step into the lead.

Indy 500 qualification results: Scott McLaughlin takes pole

Scott McLaughlin will start next Monday’s Indy 500 from the front.

The five simple tests that tell how well you’re ageing

It’s time to start future-proofing your body.

Hamilton indoor netball: Rangers Premier Reserve not happy with start of week two match

The Indoor Premier Netball competition had some great games, especially in Premier B.

Brave baby’s battle: Almost 150 days on oxygen, 78 nights in hospital, now thriving

Ardie Neil was born at 27 weeks and weighed just 1.2kg.

Head injuries and CTE in contact sports: Is it time to bring in age restrictions for rugby? - The Front Page

Head injuries and their sustained effect on sports players have been a hot topic.

Bowel cancer rates rising among New Zealanders under 50 years old, driving calls for even lower screening age

Govt will lower the bowel cancer screening age to 55.

Rugby: Te Awamutu College first XV start under-18 championship season

Coaches preparing players for life and immersing them in the community.

PGA Championship: Kazuma Kobori set to make first major start at Valhalla Golf Club

'We’re going into the deep end so let’s do it.'

Never exercised before? Here are 10 easy steps to get fit from scratch

Most people fail to stick to a regular exercise plan. Here's where to start.