Anneler Günü'nde evlat nöbeti

Diyarbakır Anneleri, bir anneler gününü daha evlatlarından ayrı geçirdi. DEM Parti il binası önünde oturma eylemini sürdüren aileler, çocuklarının dönmeleri ...

Gazze'de buruk Anneler Günü

Bugün Anneler Günü ancak Gazzeli anneler bu özel günü buruk geçiriyor... İsrail'in saldırıları binlerce annenin kucağını boş bıraktı. Birçok anne, emek ve se...

Trump holds Jersey Shore rally amid criminal trial

Former President Donald Trump holds a rally on the Jersey Shore amid his hush money trial. CNN’s Alayna Treene reports from Wildwood, New Jersey, and CNN sen...

Ex-Nixon White House counsel on why he thinks case against Trump in New York is ‘very powerful’

Ex-Nixon White House counsel John Dean weighs in on the pending testimony by former Trump fixer and lawyer Michael Cohen in former President Trump's criminal...

Ortaokul öğrencisi 'köpek kaçıran ayakkabı' geliştirdi

Ordulu ortaokul öğrencisi "köpek kaçıran ayakkabı" geliştirdi.Talha Yaktı'nın köpek saldırılarını ultrasonik ses cihazıyla önleyen projesi, TÜBİTAK tarafında...

MLKP'li terörist, HDP'li ve DEM Partili isimlere para göndermiş

İstanbul'da MLKP terör örgütüne yönelik soruşturma kapsamında, DEM Partili Çiçek Otlu'nun evinde yakalanan örgütün sözde Marmara Bölgesi cezaevi sorumlusu ol...

The northern lights from all over the world

A series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections created dazzling auroras across the globe.

Elie Honig breaks down the key moments in the Trump trial so far ahead of Michael Cohen's testimony

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins speaks with CNN legal analyst Elie Honig about former President Donald Trump’s criminal hush money trial ahead of Michael Cohen’s expec...

Bill Nye breaks down solar storm

Science educator Bill Nye breaks down the massive geomagnetic storm hitting Earth and its significance. #CNN #News

Legal analyst: How prosecutors could handle Michael Cohen’s credibility issues

CNN’s John Berman and a panel of reporters and experts discuss Michael Cohen’s expected testimony in former President Donald Trump’s hush money criminal tria...

How important was Stormy Daniels’ testimony in the Trump trial? Analysts discuss

CNN's Chris Wallace and a panel of reporters and experts discuss Stormy Daniels' testimony in former President Donald Trump's hush money trial. #CNN #News

Horse rescued after being trapped on roof by flood in Brazil

A stranded horse was rescued by the military amid catastrophic flooding in southern Brazil.

Encampment dismantled on UPenn campus

CNN questions soldiers at Israeli detention center

CNN’s Matthew Chance questions guards at an Israeli detention center holding Palestinians where reports of abuse have surfaced in Israeli and Arab media. CNN...

Kariye Camii'nde 79 yıl sonra ilk kez cuma namazı kılındı

Fatih'te bulunan ve 79 yıl sonra yeniden ibadete açılan Kariye Camii'nde ilk cuma namazı eda edildi. Daha Fazla Bilgi için;https://www.trthabe...