Kategori: My Look

27 Mart 2020
Χαιρετίζει το ελληνικό ΥΠΕΞ την ένταξη της Βορ. Μακεδονίας στο ΝΑΤΟ

Χαιρετίζει το ελληνικό ΥΠΕΞ την ένταξη της Βορ. Μακεδονίας στο ΝΑΤΟ

Τη Δημοκρατία της Βόρειας Μακεδονίας για την ένταξή της στο ΝΑΤΟ ως το 30ο μέλος της Συμμαχίας, συνεχάρη με ανάρτησή του στο Twitter το ελληνικό υπουργείο Εξωτερικών.Υπενθυμίζεται ότι χθες οι χώρες μέλη της ΕΕ συμφώνησαν να ξεκινήσουν ενταξιακές...

‘Game of Thrones’ dog who played Bran’s direwolf has died

‘Game of Thrones’ dog who played Bran’s direwolf has died

A dog known for his role in “Game of Thrones” had died. Odin the Inuit Timbers Dog died Thursday at his home in Ardglass, Northern Ireland, following a months-long battle with cancer, Belfast Live reported. He was 10 years old. “Our family are at...

CORONAVIRUS RESTAURACIÓN - Trabajo pide aclaraciones a Alsea por el número de afectados de su ERTE

CORONAVIRUS RESTAURACIÓN - Trabajo pide aclaraciones a Alsea por el número de afectados de su ERTE

Las autoridades laborales han requerido al grupo de restauración Alsea (dueño de marcas como Domino's, Vips o Foster's Hollywood) que aclare cuántos de sus trabajadores exactamente se verían afectados. Trabajo pide aclaraciones a Alsea por...

ترامب يعلن ساوث كارولينا وبورتو ريكو منطقة كوارث

ترامب يعلن ساوث كارولينا وبورتو ريكو منطقة كوارث

ترامب يعلن ساوث كارولينا وبورتو ريكو منطقة كوارث

Canada's Economy Faces Worst Decline Since 1962 Amid COVID-19 Pandemic - Budget Watchdog

Canada's Economy Faces Worst Decline Since 1962 Amid COVID-19 Pandemic - Budget Watchdog

TORONTO (Sputnik) - Canada’s economy is facing a 5.1 percent decline in real GDP in 2020, levels unseen since 1962, amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a report from the country’s Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) said.

General Motormouth

General Motormouth

From renaming the COVID-19 novel coronavirus to slamming General Motors for wasting time, US President Donald Trump has been working hard at not admitting his own faults during the pandemic. Unfortunately, facts have gotten in the way, as the US...

De Blasio warns supplies to fight coronavirus will run dry by April 5

De Blasio warns supplies to fight coronavirus will run dry by April 5

New York City will run out of critical resources to combat the coronavirus in a little more than a week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday. As the epicenter for the country’s outbreak, the city will be in dire need of staffing, supplies and...

Trump vows US will get 100,000 ventilators within 100 days

Trump vows US will get 100,000 ventilators within 100 days

President Trump on Friday vowed that the US would manufacture or otherwise procure 100,000 badly needed ventilators to treat critically ill coronavirus patients within 100 days. “In the next 100 days, we will either make or get in some form over...

Graham Norton finishes his third novel while in coronavirus lockdown

Graham Norton finishes his third novel while in coronavirus lockdown

GRAHAM Norton has used his self-isolation period to finish writing his third novel, titled Home Stretch. Taking to Instagram, the Irish comedian and TV presenter revealed the first page of the book and shared: “Now what do I do? #lockdown...

NBA and WNBA stars encourage youngsters to sharpen skills during coronavirus lockdown with #JrNBAatHome

NBA and WNBA stars encourage youngsters to sharpen skills during coronavirus lockdown with #JrNBAatHome

NBA and WNBA players are encouraging youngsters in coronavirus lockdown to use their time wisely – and sharpen up their basketball skills. Schools and gyms might be closed but there’s nothing stopping kids (or adults) from bouncing a ball up...

Joe Wicks to donate ALL of his earnings from daily PE lessons to the NHS as he admits his income has soared

Joe Wicks to donate ALL of his earnings from daily PE lessons to the NHS as he admits his income has soared

JOE Wicks will donate all of the earnings from his daily PE lessons to the NHS. The 33-year-old fitness fanatic took to social media this evening to share his generous plan with followers – after he admitted that his income has soared thanks...

الحكومة تكشف عن الطريقة التي سيستفيد بها الفقراء والعمال

الحكومة تكشف عن الطريقة التي سيستفيد بها الفقراء والعمال

كشفت وزارة الاقتصاد والمالية وإصلاح الإدارة، اليوم الجمعة، على عملية الدعم المؤقت للأسر العاملة في القطاع غير المهيكل المتضرر بحالة الطوارئ التي تم الإعلان عنها بالمملكة لمحاربة تفشي وباء فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد-19). وذكرت الوزارة، في بلاغ...

(CV) Близо 2000 смъртни 
случая от Ковид-19 
във Франция

(CV) Близо 2000 смъртни случая от Ковид-19 във Франция

Париж, 28 март /БТА/ Починалите от началото на епидемията от новия коронавирус във Франция вече са близо 2000, а само за последното денонощие броят на жертвите е почти 300, предаде Франс прес. За една седмица броят на починалите е нараснал...

Kabul gurdwara attacker from Kerala, left for Afghanistan in 2018

Kabul gurdwara attacker from Kerala, left for Afghanistan in 2018

Kommentar zu Corona und Kirche

Kommentar zu Corona und Kirche

Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Stuttgart (ots) - Selbst wenn wenigstens die Kirchenbauten als solche offen bleiben, so ist doch eklatant sichtbar, dass der aktuelle Umgang mit der Corona-Pandemie genau das Gegenteil von dem ist, was Kirche sein und...

Attorney Sophie Alcorn answers readers’ immigration questions

Attorney Sophie Alcorn answers readers’ immigration questions

We had a great time hosting noted immigration attorney Sophie Alcorn on a live conference call with Extra Crunch members earlier this week. Sophie writes our “Dear Sophie” column, where she answers questions about immigration status, particularly...

The FDA just okayed multiple 15-minute blood tests to screen for coronavirus, but there are caveats

The FDA just okayed multiple 15-minute blood tests to screen for coronavirus, but there are caveats

On Thursday, the FDA amended their emergency policy around diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Following on a change made March 16, the agency opened the door for a number of specific private entities and...

EastEnders trailer teases funeral showdown, new romance and turmoil for Linda

EastEnders trailer teases funeral showdown, new romance and turmoil for Linda

EastEnders has teased upcoming scenes on the BBC soap to keep viewers hooked, with only two episodes now on a week

Coronavirus to trigger global condom shortage as producer shuts factories

Coronavirus to trigger global condom shortage as producer shuts factories

Karex Bhd in Malaysia makes one in every five condoms produced worldwide and has three factories, but hasn't produced a single condom since the start of the country's lockdown 10 days ago

لجنة اليقظة الاقتصادية في المغرب تحدد تعويضات مالية للعمالة

لجنة اليقظة الاقتصادية في المغرب تحدد تعويضات مالية للعمالة "غير المنتظمة"

أعلنت لجنة اليقظة الاقتصادية في اجتماعها ليوم الاثنين 23 مارس 2020 على تدابير دعم القطاع غير المهيكل المتأثر مباشرة بالحجر الصحي. ونظرا لتعقيد هذه الإشكالية، اتخذ القرار لمعالجتها على مرحلتين: المرحلة الأولى: تهم الأسر التي تستفيد من خدمة راميد...

Günün ulduz falı: 28 mart, 2020

Günün ulduz falı: 28 mart, 2020

Qoç – sizin üçün bu gün hansısa xoş, amma elə də ciddi olmayan münasibətlərin başlanması ilə əlamətdardır. Yeni tanışlıq romantikliyi ilə deyil, iş baxımından sərfəliliyi ilə seçiləcək. İdeyalarınızı, yaradıcı planlarınızı tezliklə həyata...

FÚTBOL UEFA - La UEFA multa al Ajax por los incidentes en el estadio del Getafe

FÚTBOL UEFA - La UEFA multa al Ajax por los incidentes en el estadio del Getafe

La UEFA ha multado al Ajax de Amsterdam con una multa de 53.250 euros por las butacas destrozadas por sus aficionados en el estadio del Getafe, el Coliseum Alfonso Pérez, y el lanzamiento de objetos d. La UEFA multa al Ajax por los incidentes en...

وزيرة الصحة المصرية تتحدث عن وصول البلاد لذروة الإصابات بـ

وزيرة الصحة المصرية تتحدث عن وصول البلاد لذروة الإصابات بـ"كورونا"

صرحت وزيرة الصحة والسكان المصرية، هالة زايد، بأن الوضع الوبائي في مصر ما زال تحت السيطرة، مشيدة بالقرارات والإجراءات التي تتخذها الدولة المصرية في مواجهة فيروس كورونا المستجد.