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23 Mayıs 2024

«Στις καλένδες» η μεγαλύτερη εμπορική συμφωνία της ΕΕ

Είναι προφανές ότι ο Γάλλος πρόεδρος Εμανουέλ Μακρόν δεν θέλει να προσφέρει ακόμη περισσότερους προεκλογικούς «άσους» στην Μαρίν Λεπέν και στο ακροδεξιό Rassemblement National που ήδη προηγείται στις δημοσκοπήσεις, ενόψει… «Στις καλένδες» η...

TikTok trainspotter Francis Bourgeois: Passion is cool

The star, fresh from a UK rail adventure for the BBC, talks identity, hate and saving the railway.

BBC EastEnders stars left 'sobbing' as they bid emotional farewell to co-star

EastEnders stars were left 'sobbing' on Thursday night as they bid an emotional farewell to a much-loved co-star after 16 years on the hit BBC One soap

Housing ministers Chris Bishop and Tama Potaka announce social housing funding

Pair made the announcement while visiting Dwell Housing Trust in Kilbirnie.

Single entry scoops $162m Powerball jackpot in South Australia

A mystery single ticket from South Australia wins the huge Powerball.

CIA Director Burns to Try Reviving Cease-Fire and Hostage Negotiations in Europe

It was unclear if negotiators from Egypt and Qatar would participate.

More aid getting from US pier to people in Gaza, officials say, after troubled launch

U.S. officials say a six--day-old U.S. pier project in Gaza is starting to get more aid to Palestinians in need but conditions are challenging

Elvis' Graceland lawsuit claims dropped as judge rules in Riley Keough's favour

Tennessee judge blocked Naussany Investments and Private Lending from sending Elvis Presley's mansion Graceland to auction on Wednesday

General election: Rishi Sunak rules out coalition with Reform claiming 'I'm not focused on personalities elsewhere' - after Nigel Farage says he won't stand

Rishi Sunak (pictured) has ruled out a coalition or any deals with Reform UK if there is a hung parliament following the General Election. This comes after Nigel Farage said he would not stand.

Sky Sports forced to make urgent change to darts coverage after blunder during Luke Littler vs Luke Humphries final

SKY SPORTS suffered a major blunder during their coverage of the Premier League Darts final.Luke Littler faced Luke Humphries in a repeat of the World

More college strikes planned in lecturer pay row

A further seven college strikes will go ahead after "no real progress" was made during talks with employers.

Στ. Κασσελάκης: Στις 30 Ιουνίου θα δώσει το πόθεν έσχες – «Σημαντικό για τη ΝΔ να είμαι απατεώνας σαν τους άλλους»

Ο πρόεδρος του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΠΣ, Στέφανος Κασσελάκης, υποστήριξε ότι η Ελλάδα πρέπει να ακολουθήσει το παράδειγμα της Ισπανίας, της Ιρλανδίας και της Νορβηγίας και να αναγνωρίσει το παλαιστινιακό κράτος. Κληθείς να… Στ. Κασσελάκης: Στις 30 Ιουνίου...

What prosecutors need to prove for a jury to convict Donald Trump

Did Trump falsify business records? And did he do it to conceal or commit another crime? And which ones?

How major US stock indexes fared Thursday, 5/23/2024

Most U.S. stocks slumped after strong economic reports raised the possibility of interest rates staying painfully high

What is happening to Glasgow School of Art?

Fire tore through the library in the Mackintosh Building at the Glasgow School of Art 10 years ago.

Why Eritreans are at war with each other around the world

Rival groups are clashing abroad, leading some nations to ban Eritrean Independence Day celebrations.

Family told mother's ashes found during police search

Jackie Barnes from Dumbarton was told her mum's ashes were found during a search of funeral parlour.

Robotic arm development aims to help stroke patients

The device aims to allow patients to carry out recovery safely at home without their physiotherapist.

Successful careers and sizzling sex lives show the celebs turning 50 this year definitely won’t be slowing down

THEY’RE the nifty 50s – the women with the wow factor who have reached their half century and are definitely not out.There was a time when turning

هولندا.. آلاف الأحذية لاستذكار ضحايا غزة من الأطفال

حضر الفعالية العديد من موظفي الوزارات الهولندية إلى جانب العاملين في قطاع الصحة والجهاز القضائي

يونيسف تحذر من التأثير "الكارثي" لإغلاق المعابر على أطفال غزة

المديرة التنفيذية للمنظمة الأممية كاثرين راسل قالت إن أطفال غزة الذين نجوا من الحرب "معرضون بشكل متزايد لخطر الموت بسبب سوء التغذية والجفاف"

Bowel cancer survivor who found a passion for rugby

Mum-of-one Hazel Stewart had never played the sport before and took it up after her cancer treatment.

Waikato mental health facility patient forced to sleep in conference room due to overcrowding

The Waikato facility was operating at up to 115 per cent occupancy in late April.