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16 Temmuz 2019

Planned Parenthood Removes Leana Wen as President

A Prosperous China Says ‘Men Preferred,’ and Women Lose

Some Surge, Others Sputter: 5 Lessons From the Democratic Fund-Raising Reports

‘The D.O.J. Has Failed Us’: Eric Garner’s Family Assails Prosecutors

How the Eric Garner Decision Compares With Other Cases

Trump Rallies G.O.P. to Oppose Resolution Against Racist Language

Trump Rallies G.O.P. to Oppose Resolution Against His ‘Racist Tweet’

Eric Garner’s Death Will Not Lead to Federal Charges for N.Y.P.D. Officer

Trump and ‘the Squad’

Ready for the First Heat Wave of Summer?

Ilhan Omar, Jeffrey Epstein, Ricardo Rosselló: Your Tuesday Briefing

The Painful Roots of Trump’s ‘Go Back’ Comment

Trump Campaign Invests Big in Small Donors, and Reaps Rewards

The ‘Lady of the House’ Who Was Long Entangled With Jeffrey Epstein

A Blaring Message in Republicans’ Muted Criticism: It’s Trump’s Party

Is It Time to Play With Spaceships Again?

Wrangling Begins in Queens D.A. Recount, Recalling Florida Intrigue in 2000

Please, Pelosi, Fight Trump, Not the Squad

What Pelosi Versus the Squad Really Means

Intel Executive: Rein In Data Brokers

Trump’s America Is a ‘White Man’s Country’

Racism Comes Out of the Closet

How Do You Not Give Donald Trump What He Wants?