How Barack Obama’s ‘Minstrel Imperialism’ Gave Cover to US Foreign Policy - Journalist

As countries throughout the Global South work to overthrow the legacy of colonialism and imperialist subjugation, the US empire still searches for a token minority to launder its image as eloquently and effectively as Barack Obama.

Colbert asks Biden about not having a Trump International Golf Club trophy. Hear his response

President Joe Biden's campaign released a video from his star-studded fundraiser event at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, highlighting a light-hearte...

Enten: Here's how many Bibles Trump needs to sell to match Biden's fundraising

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten breaks down the latest campaign fundraising numbers for President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. #CNN #News

Opinion: Why Biden's decision to lean on Obama could go terribly wrong

In this week's episode of "Unfiltered," SE Cupp looks at President Joe Biden's decision to call on former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and questions whether they will reassure voters in 2024 — or highlight Biden's weaknesses.

Rare joint appearance of Biden and two predecessors underscores extraordinary moment in US history

Former President Barack Obama has made clear to associates in recent months that he believes President Joe Biden’s intensifying re-match with Donald Trump in...

CNN reporter confronts GOP nominee who called for Obama to be executed

CNN's Shimon Prokupecz breaks down his interaction with Michele Morrow, a conservative activist who won the GOP nomination to lead North Carolina's public sc...

Charles Barkley rips through Obama's March Madness bracket

Charles Barkley analyzes former President Barack Obama's March Madness bracket.

Diana Ross shares insight into 'painful and difficult steps that led to happiness'

Diana Ross’s journey from humble beginnings to untouchable icon has captivated fans across the world – and it is one filled with not only stratospheric success but also systemic racism, sexism and persecution, as she worked her way to the top

Tapper calls out North Carolina Republican candidate over 'disturbing' tweet

Michele Morrow, the Republican nominee for superintendent of North Carolina's public schools, called for executing top Democrats, including former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden in several social media tweets. CNN reached out to...

BERCAN TUTAR / ABD’de ‘ejderha’ alarmı

Her alanda jeo-politik bozgun yaşayan Amerikan küresel siyasetinde en büyük tehlike sıralamasında Çin hep en üstte yer alıyor. Barack Obama'nın iktidara gelmesiyle ABD, Ortadoğu yerine küresel hegemonya...

Poll ranking US presidents has Trump 'dead last'

CNN's Chris Wallace sits down with a panel who react to a new poll ranking the 45 presidents of the United States. #CNN #News

ABDULLAH MURADOĞLU : Joe Biden’ın İsrail sınavı…

" style="color: rgb(128, 128, 128); background-color: black;"> Obama’nın 2015’de “İran Nükleer Anlaşması”nı imzalaması Binyamin Netanyahu tarafından şiddetli bir tepkiyle...

See Biden's joke when Obama returns to the White House

President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama teamed up on a new video vowing to protect and expand Obamacare at a time when former President Donald ...

Müslüman Seyyar Satıcıya Hakaret Eden ABD'li Eski Yetkili Gözaltına Alındı! #Haber

HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun...ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı eski çalışanı Stuart Seldowitz'in New York'ta Mısırlı bir satıcıya ...

İslam Karşıtı ve Cani! Obama'nın Eski Danışmanı Seldowitz'dan Kriz Çıkaracak Açıklama!

HABER | Son Dakika Haber ve Güncel Haberleri İlk Bilen Siz Olun...ABD'nin eski Başkanı Barack Obama döneminde hükümete danışmanlık yapan Stuart Seldowitz, Ne...

Obama'dan İsrail'e Gazze Uyarısı | Haber

Eski Amerikan Başkanı Barack Obama, İsrail-Hamas çatışmasına ilişkin açıklama yaptı. Obama, sivillere yönelik tehditleri göz ardı eden bir İsrail askeri stra...

Obama İsrail’i uyardı: Bu strateji ters tepebilir

Eski ABD Başkanı Barack Obama, İsrail’e “insani bedelleri yok sayan” askeri stratejisinin uzun vadede geri tepebileceği uyarısını yaptı.

„Reine Blutverleumdung“ – Israels UN-Botschafter fordert UN-Chef Guterres zum Rücktritt auf

„Reine Blutverleumdung“ nennt der israelische Botschafter bei den Vereinten Nationen die Worte António Guterres‘ über den Nahost-Krieg und fordert dessen Rücktritt. Das Leid der israelischen Zivilbevölkerung sei dem UN-Chef egal. Mehr im Liveticker.

Erdogan wirft Westen Schweigen über humanitäre Krise in Gaza vor

Das Schweigen westlicher Länder verschärfe die humanitäre Krise im Gazastreifen, sagt der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan laut Präsidialamt in einem Telefongespräch mit Wladimir Putin. Und Israel überlegt Berichten zufolge, die...

Israel offenbar bereit für Verschiebung der Bodenoffensive

Um weitere Geiseln befreien zu können, überlegt Israel Berichten zufolge, die Bodenoffensive hinauszuzögern. Derweil berichtet eine der ersten freigelassenen Geiseln über ihre Zeit in Gefangenschaft. Mehr im Liveticker.

Israels Militär rechnet mit wochenlangem Kampf gegen Hamas

Die Kampfhandlungen gegen die radikal-islamische Hamas im Gaza-Streifen werden Israels Einschätzung zufolge noch lange andauern. Derweil ist Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron in Tel Aviv eingetroffen. Mehr im Liveticker.