Watch: Skating through traffic

Stuck in traffic caused by thousands of Adele fans flocking to Mt Smart, one woman took alternative transport

British Commonwealth Haberleri

Gisborne letters: More opposition to Grey St ‘Streets for People’ project

Big Wednesday for Kaitāia with two major infrastructure items opening

Head Hunters gang member Daniel Natua sentenced for gun cache, violent Auckland home invasion

King’s Birthday road toll: Ōpōtiki driver dies at scene

Store-owner Christine Rowley electrocuted by etching machine salvaged after Christchurch earthquake

Northland’s Mangamuka Gorge set to reopen by Christmas after two-year closure

The positions most likely to expect All Blacks newcomers – Paul Lewis

State Highway 1 north of Temuka closed after serious crash

Hawke’s Bay news in brief: Man and dog rescued off coast