Watch: Fyre Festival promo

A slick you tube video featuring top models and exotic locations was used to promote the Fyre festival in the Bahamas that has descended into chaos for hundreds of ticket holders

British Commonwealth Haberleri

Whanganui East Pool to remain open for at least another season

Rotorua councillors vote to contribute more council money to sewerage scheme

Opinion: Benjamin Netanyahu is a disaster for Israel and for Jews everywhere

Hawke’s Bay news in brief: Hastings Common Room bar broken into

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu set to address US Congress on July 24, sources say

From the MTG: A New Zealand soldier and a ‘remarkably refined’ young woman

A condemned killer thought, ‘this is my day to die.’ Then it wasn’t

Horowhenua-Kāpiti stalwart welcomes return of Grassroots Rugby to TV

Video Haberler

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