Watch: Fyre Festival promo

A slick you tube video featuring top models and exotic locations was used to promote the Fyre festival in the Bahamas that has descended into chaos for hundreds of ticket holders

British Commonwealth Haberleri

Auckland crews battle large shed fire in Browns Bay, North Shore

Brumbies v Highlanders: Super Rugby Pacific quarter-finals

Chiefs v Reds result: Playoffs bring best out of Chiefs in big win over Reds

Levin boy racers: Car meet organiser pushes back against Police Minister Mark Mitchell

Banks extend commitment to keep Whangamatā hub open

Justice of the peace Herbert Armitage, 83, laundered money for Upper North Island drug ring

Chiefs vs Reds: Super Rugby Pacific quarter-finals

State Highway 3 crash: Woman remains in critical condition after collision near Ōtorohanga

Warriors v Cowboys: Marata Niukore to make up for lost time after injury-hit NRL season