Watch: Fyre Festival promo

A slick you tube video featuring top models and exotic locations was used to promote the Fyre festival in the Bahamas that has descended into chaos for hundreds of ticket holders

British Commonwealth Haberleri

Blues v Brumbies result: Blues blitz Brumbies to storm into Super Rugby Pacific final

Matariki Ki Te Manawa installation lights up Viaduct Harbour

Person in critical condition after being hit by car in West Auckland

Michael Hill Jeweller to close Whakatāne store due to high retail crime

Watch: One Tree Hill and Otahuhu College rugby league players filmed in mass brawl after game

Mark Mitchell to attend Ukraine Global Peace Summit in Switzerland on behalf of New Zealand

Blues v Brumbies: Super Rugby Pacific semifinal

Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Hawke’s Bay leaders call for law changes as cases increase