Watch: Car thieves target keyless entry

CCTV footage shows car thieves taking $130,000 BMW while owners sleep, boosting the keyless entry fob

British Commonwealth Haberleri

Couple jointly charged with making meth at large clan lab near Tauranga

Mourners can now speak to an AI version of the dead. But will that help with grief?

Shoppers claim they heard ‘porn like’ soft moaning over Kmart speakers in Tauranga

Waitaanga homicide investigation: Police find van as they probe fatal shooting of father of four

More jail ordered for teen rapist Peter Kosetatino, who victimised stranger at Auckland park

Nurses Organisation: Three-quarters of mental health nurses threatened, survey finds

Budget 2024: Number of frontline police on way from funding boost an illusion – Police Association

Taupō number plate for sale by Taupō District Council to keep rates down

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